A collaboratively lead, open facing design studio focussed on invention and the progression of ideas through the exploration of ceramics.

The studio invites participation from anyone who wishes to engage. Either as a visitor, a client, a resident, a volunteer or through our learning program: Spots, Blocks, Workshops and Whippersnappers. 

We also offer a mentorship program for people wishing to explore ceramic practice in more depth.

If you have any enquiries regarding the studio please email



A light touch and friendly chance to utilise the studio at Yellowhammer. Throw a pot, pinch a cup, roll a slab, change the world, make a friend. Facilitated by the Yellowhammer studio team, with assistance where needed. Come to one of them, come to all of them. it's up to you. Clay and firings are provided (no Tracy Islands) and all ages and experiences are welcome.

Spots runs every Wednesday 3pm - 5pm

£30 a Spot


Develop your skill, practice your talent and feed your confidence. An informal and relaxed space spread over four weeks for you to practice throwing, turning, building, glazing, wadding, faffing, plonking and all the other ones, with guidance from the studio along the way to help you try and get it out, what ever it may be.

Blocks runs on Thursday evenings 6pm - 9pm

One Block is four Thursdays in a row.

£160 a Block 


Yellowhammer workshops take you on a wild ride through something to do with ceramics. The workshops change through seasons so keep an eye on what’s currently going. 

Every workshop explores a particular aspect of ceramics and manifests itself as an object at the end. So yes, you get something.

Workshops run on Saturdays 1pm - 4pm  

8 places available

£60 a Workshop


Families are welcomed to join us at Yellowhammer every Sunday afternoon for a fun pottery session led by the Yellowhammer team. This workshop offers an opportunity to explore pottery as a family in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Each ticket includes a place for one parent and one child.

Learn the basics of pottery, including types of clay, tools, and techniques. Understand the process from shaping to firing. Techniques covered will include hand-building methods such as pinch pots, coil pots, and slab construction. 

Whippersnappers runs 1pm - 3pm on Sundays

6 places available (12 people) 

£25 a Whippersnapper (which includes 1 parent and 1 child) 

Explore all available pieces from the Yellowhammer pottery studio